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What is the difference between ADX and -di?

The ADX, negative directional indicator (-DI), and positive directional indicator (+DI) are momentum indicators. The ADX helps investors determine trend strength, while -DI and +DI help determine trend direction. The ADX identifies a strong trend when the ADX is over 25 and a weak trend when the ADX is below 20.

What is di & ADX line?

DI (Negative Directional Indicator): This measures the strength of downward price movement. ADX Line: This represents the average of the DX values to determine the trend strength, regardless of the direction. By comparing the +DI and -DI lines on a chart, you can sense the direction of the trend.

How does ADX work?

ADX is derived from the DX, which calculates the difference between +DI and -DI as a percentage of the total price range. As such, the ADX is essentially the smoothed average of the DX, giving you a clearer view of trend strength. Utilizing ADX alongside +DI and -DI can help you discern trend stability and strength more effectively.

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